RLC: This instruction rotates the contents of accumulator to the left by one bit. It will shift B0 to B1, B1 to B2,............B7 to B0 as well as to carry flag . Only CY flag is modified. It is a one byte instruction. Implied addressing mode is used. Before execution: After execution: Example: If A = 0101 0111 = 57H and CY = 1 RLC ; Now A = 10101110 = AEH and CY = 0. RRC: This instruction rotates the contents of accumulator to the right by one bit. It will shift B7 to B6, B6 to B5,............B0 to B7 as well as to carry flag. Only CY flag is modified. It is a one byte instruction. Implied addressing mode is used. Before execution: After execution: Example: If A = 1001 1010 = 9AH and CY = 1 RLC ; Now A = 0100 1101 = 4DH and CY = 0. RAL: This instruction rotates the contents of accumulator to the left by one bit along with the carry . It will shift B0 to B1, B1 to B2,............B7 to CY and CY to B0 . Only CY flag is modifi...
8085 microprocessor complete notes with full instruction set and important programs